Enthusiastic uploader? We have you covered
Resize Control
Auto resize and compress all your future uploads
Generate blog posts faster than ever before
How many power do you need?
- Image compression
- Limit image dimensions
- Convert PNG automaticly to JPG
- Scale down resize method
- Ignore roles
Discover Automatic Resize and Compression
Customized resize and compression is a big part of a waterproof sitespeed score and SEO ranking
Resize Control supports all common image file types like JPEG, WEBP and PNG.
Absolutely, this plugin squishes the original images, and you get to pick the quality.
No, all media are optimized before upload, so there are no extra files or data left.
In the ‘General’ screen of the plugin, you can select which roles should not be affected by resizing.
Images uploaded before installing this plugin won’t get resized.
Auto resize and compress all future uploads with TuningWP (Tuning WP) Resize Control
Automate all your media resolutions and sizes for you and your wp accounts to save time, site speed and disk space and bandwith.
- Speed up your site
- Resize and optimize before uploading to save bandwidth
- Limit uploads per post type
- Auto compress media files
- Easy to use
Optimizing before the upload
With Resize Control, your images are optimized before they even touch your server, making it super lightweight.
Role and post type based
You are in control: Select what roles get their uploaded images optimized and set different setting per post type.
Choose your sizes and format
Select your image's dimensions, extension, and compression level with ease. Resize Control takes care of it.
A look inside the user's mind
Explore what everyone thinks about Resize Control